Convention Theme - The Four Winds

The Purapura Korari, Ka ruia e te hau - The seeds of the flax bush are dispersed by the four winds. .

Korari / harakeke

Flax bushes are likened to the family dynamic. The whakapapa of humanity is kept alive through the korari. Each strand is personified by a generation. Each generation receives the protection and sustenance needed to ensure survival. Not all blades of the korari receive the same support, it is based on need aligning with equity, but a strong focus on equity for the greater good.


The seed pod of the korari dry and eventually ka tawhā. They burst open releasing the seed within. These seeds are the new generation and the example of the next whānau/hapu/iwi/generation coming through. 

Ka ruia

The act of scattering seeds. We are the seeds sown from the heavens. Aotearoa is our home as Māori however, other cultures have their home according to the scattering of peoples just like the seeds of the korari. 

E te hau

By the winds we have been carried. A reference to navigation, migration, evolution, etc. Tāwhirimātea connects us to the winds of the world. Taking our seeds metaphorically to the global stage. Each culture of the world has their narrative and each narrative shows our unique world and also links us together, such as the four winds of the world.
